About Desmo
"Desmo" is the club's bi-monthly informative magazine. It will keep you in touch with everything the self-respecting Ducati owner or enthusiast needs to know.
Desmo is currently edited by Jilly Penegar, who has been our editor on and off since Desmo 15, it's down to Jilly's Ducati knowledge, hard work and attention to detail that has seen Desmo improve over the years from the black & white photocopy to the full colour mag it is today.
Desmo relies on members for content so please come forward with any articles you think would be of interest.
Over the past couple of years, there’s been an increase in the number of people helping out with the content of ‘Desmo’ so if you want to contribute here's how:
Editorial/features – contact Jilly Penegar editor@docgb.net Best to send copy – in ‘Word’ format by email – and photos (jpg), by Wetransfer to editor@docgb.net . Please ensure that all copy etc is virus free – otherwise it causes havoc with the editorial computer! If you need to send items by post please contact Jilly for the correct postal address.
Branches – Guy Gagen is DOC GB’s ‘Branch Boss’, send him any changes to the branch details or if you want to start up a local branch yourself. He will ensure that the details are passed on to the webmaster and ‘Desmo’ editor. Email address is branchboss@docgb.net
Commercial Advertising – for traders, dealers, etc. Jilly Penegar (Advertising) is the person to contact for all commercial advertising queries, costs, bookings, etc. Jilly's email is advertising@docgb.net
Discounts – Our Discounts officer has the task of contacting various companies who are able to give discount to DOC GB members. Contact this position on discounts@docgb.net if you find any companies to add to the Discounts section in ‘Desmo’.
Events – Our Events officer looks after all the Diary Dates for ‘Desmo’,DOC GB Facebook page and the website. Please contact via events@docgb.net and he or she will ensure that your event will be included in the lists and diary along with all the Ducati-flavoured race meetings.
Panigale Parts – The club’s ‘small ads’ section in ‘Desmo’. Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ items here – all free to DOC GB members! – and the ads reach all club members. Email copy to Jilly Penegar editor@docgb.net